Результаты поиска

  1. H

    Can I start debug from a certain point in the project?

    It is a nuisance to have to go through the whole debug process again from the start when only one thing is not working. So can I get it to resume from the point that is causing problems somehow?
  2. H

    What to do when debug 'halts' and doesn't complete a step?

    At the moment it seems to be happening right where it loads the webpage. I look in the browser instance and can see the webpage loads however debug's 'next' button has stayed greyed out for over an hour now as I left to do other things and still grey. So what do I do here? I tried...
  3. H

    HTML element isn´t found, according to the search criteria

    Ok so I find my template throwing that same error message for the same id each time but I am not sure what to do about it. Bulldozer mentioned increasing search criteria to make it universal. How do I do that? I had a quick look in the manual but didn't see anything.
  4. H

    Link click errors, how do I make them universal?

    No, I tried that, it's no good for me because it starts at the beginning again each time. The template runs through a list and submits urls to a list of my websites so I don't want it submitting twice/or starting form beginning as it is a waste of time. I would like it to either not make the...
  5. H

    Can I get the poster to resume from the place it got stuck?

    If a template screws up part way through a loop of say ten currently I'm having to do the rest manually. I thought the attempts option might be what I was after but this only starts the template back from the beginning. Can I get it to either retry or resume if it fails at a certain step (I...
  6. H

    What to do when action recording doesn't pick up a particular click/action?

    Right. Thanks. I noticed this is mainly to do with my really bad internet connection as the program seems to not refresh sometimes. I tried on my vps and didn't have this issue so it's prob internet connection. Good to have a workaround though till I get better internet or if it happens...
  7. H

    What to do when action recording doesn't pick up a particular click/action?

    It seems to only be picking up clicks when it 'feels like it' and about 25%-50% of the actions I'm recording are getting missed. So what do I do? Presumably there is a manual way to do it when these steps get missed? I notice in the cases when it doesn't register the blue outline is missing...
  8. H

    Link click errors, how do I make them universal?

    Hmm, so I can do a loop to tell it to keep trying? That would prob do the trick. Dunno how to do it yet tho as that was my first proper template.
  9. H

    Link click errors, how do I make them universal?

    is there not a wait til webpage/whatever exists function as just slapping in random waits ive found inaccurate in the past with wintauto since its dependent on internet speed which varies alot. Too little and it screws up, too much and you waste time which could have been spent going thru the...
  10. H

    Link click errors, how do I make them universal?

    I'm thinking this might be more to do with my internet not loading the pages quick enough. Is the 'wait till exists' function on automatically in zenno? cos I know I had to add it in manually in winauto and with zenno it seemed to wait automatically usually tho I'm still getting more errors...
  11. H

    Link click errors, how do I make them universal?

    Link click errors? I am submitting links for indexing to my own wp blogs. I setup a template for one blog and it seems to work 90% of the time but every so often I am getting: HTML element isn't found, according to search criteria. Bulldozer told me briefly over skype I would have to...
  12. H

    Can I use zenno to change wp-config database prefix many times?

    I want to upload several hundred wp blogs- maybe a cpl of thousand actually. As such I have to change the database prefix for each. Can zenno read text, then change the prefix in each with a counter? If so how? Thanks.
  13. H

    How do I get zenno to create a loop taking one line per loop from text file?

    Actually I found out a way by coincidence today :) I already had the debugger window instance open and I ran the project in zennoposter and to my pleasant surprise I noticed the instance was following along with the steps :).
  14. H

    How do I get zenno to create a loop taking one line per loop from text file?

    Ye, thanks i figured it out and did the take line from file route and do a logic block to tell it when to quit. I have a cpl other issues now tho.. I just finished debugging my project and went to load it in the poster. I did so and it said 'threads started' but nothing happened. I checked my...
  15. H

    How do I get zenno to create a loop taking one line per loop from text file?

    I've just been playing around with it and can see the macros either create one single line from the text- line 0, or if I do 0-99 in the string box it takes the whole block rather than one at a time. What I want is for it to read text from a list of urls and then goto url 1, complete...