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  1. H

    Is there a way to automate posting to multiple templates?

    I don't think that is it since I need the poster to somehow know when to delete the completed videos form the list before it starts again. The whole point is that I don;t want to have to delete them myself and automate the process. Maybe I can somehow do it with tables and logic.
  2. H

    how to hit a button twice !?

    copy and paste the first process?
  3. H

    How to click a (flash?) button that doesn't load in PM?

    See my recent thread wher eI had the same issue: http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/what-do-i-do-when-files-for-upload-doesnt-register.15202/ I think it might be the same issue :P not 100% form what you said.
  4. H

    Is there a way to automate posting to multiple templates?

    What more informaiton do you need. 50 templates 5+ videos should be uploaded to each template I would like to remove the process of having to change the video data myself stopping and starting projects after each video completes and instead have them all upload in one run.
  5. H

    Is there a way to automate posting to multiple templates?

    I have 50+ that upload to different sites. I have to make several uploads a day and would like to automate this but currently I have to manually change the info and start all templates again in poster each run. How can I make it so i could somehow post video 1 to all 50 templates, then once...
  6. H

    Active tab of instance is not found?

  7. H

    Why Is It So Complicated?

    You cant ever rely on recorder it only works maybe 60% of the time. actualy its probably higher since later versions but still. you must not have been using for 3 years if you dont know how to use aciton designer. maybe simple processes but not properly using it :-) Not dissing just saying. You...
  8. H

    Active tab of instance is not found?

    I'm getting this alot when running multithreads. Doesnt seem to happen in single threaded. For instance I have 50 templates to run. doing 5 threads. It starts off good all instances loading but after a while 3 or so dissappear and I just keep getting errors with that message Active tab of...
  9. H

    What setting controls the instance timeout in poster?

    Cheers. What will this do though, would it still close the instance even if there were actions still being done? (ie if its uploaidng videos files and its got the red loading sign) or only if nothing is happening for x timeout- ie green light?
  10. H

    What setting controls the instance timeout in poster?

    also is there a way to stop the flash uploader from hanging like that? the uplaod dialog box opens but it jsut gets stuck and doesnt but the text in, this only happens sometimes and I dont know why but happens like 50% of the time.
  11. H

    What setting controls the instance timeout in poster?

    Sometimes the flash uploader hangs for some reason and it halts that instance indefinitely. it seems to eventually timeout after a few minutes. but how do i make it timeout quicker? Hmm i suppose its better not to as then it would be timing out even on templates when there is not error? is that...
  12. H

    How can I shortcut copy and paste of username and password etc when recording?

    Profile doesnt work for some reason they just come up blank, however I don;t want random ones i want specific ones as its the same user/pass each time. I would like it so that you can right click and add variable as is the case within the advanced builder. I would say that is a suggestion but...
  13. H

    How can I shortcut copy and paste of username and password etc when recording?

    I don't mean in the template I mean when you are recording and you have to intially input the data. I want hotkeys for common things like username and password. I found a program, autohotkey which uses the send function. I was really pleased I'd found a solution, as I was testing in notepad...
  14. H

    Text presence check shows false positive...

    I have a few templates which will find the text even when it isnt visibly showing on the page. The checks are supposed to halt completion of template until the upload is complete but since for some reason the text is being found before the success page shows the uplaods are being interrupted...
  15. H

    What do I do when 'files for upload' doesn't register?

    There's a problem with the uploader... when the upload button is off the page the click doesnt register. I tried keysrtokes end to show the button but the coordinates were messed up when i changed from PM to ZP due to different screen size on the instance. Any other workaround?
  16. H

    Speed of ZennoPoster vs ProjectMaker

    Youve got it twisted son. zp is like 10x faster than project maker!
  17. H

    What do I do when 'files for upload' doesn't register?

    its ok. the mighty cahones helped me out with it, got it working now.
  18. H

    What do I do when 'files for upload' doesn't register?

    Yes I was given that by bigcahones, jsut trying to figure out how to use it :P. could you expalin how its added into the project please?
  19. H

    What do I do when 'files for upload' doesn't register?

    I havent tried that one agina yet but i had another one whcih was also doing the same problem and i diabled flash but now there is no upload button at all :(
  20. H

    How do I keep relative files paths while also seperating files?

    no idea what you mean either tbh :P.
  21. H

    How do I keep relative files paths while also seperating files?

    get file path wont work for paths of tables tho will it because its the path of the table which changes and that isnt going to be subject to the processes within the template is it.
  22. H

    How do I keep relative files paths while also seperating files?

    i need to use relative paths {-project.directoy-} but also want to keep files seperated. i have tempaltes in a folder where some are completed and some are not. i was moving the completed files to a new folder and using long directory path but now i realise i need to move the files back and...
  23. H

    Trading my programming skills for a working promotion methods

    Im not sure what you are wanting here? A JV in SEO while someone teaches you SEO/Zenno whilst you do the coding part? That I can do as those are my specialities, but what you state is not clear seems you want something more? As for me Id be interested in a JV of some sort- SEO and zenno being...
  24. H

    Skype group details again please

    I deleted the group and now would like back in but dont have the details. I had been relying solely on bigcahones but he isn't around so much these days or got fed up with my questions :P reply or pm please the details.
  25. H

    Timeout problems uploading only in poster?

    The projects run fine in debugger but there seems to be some timeout override in poster... I haver set the tab timeout in the templates to 600 seconds since some templates the page will be on 'loading' whilst the file uploads. This doesnt seem to matter in poster tho and they keep timing out...
  26. H

    What do I do when 'files for upload' doesn't register?

    http://www.madthumbs.com/videos/upload elizabethwatson52679 Je6pAka9 Use those details. Warning, it's an adult site so not safe for work :P.
  27. H

    What do I do when 'files for upload' doesn't register?

    Im making templates for uploading videos to different sites. Sometimes when I click on the browse upload button on the site zenno doesn't register it so it messes up the whole template since I don't know how to build that manually with action builder. Please tell me how.
  28. H

    Can anyone figure out how yahoo detects zennoposter being used?

    I couldnt figure it out. If I make an account manually in my browser in yahoo uk I can make one account without needing captcha. If I try in zenno it always flags it somehow. I tried making pauses between each step to emulate human usage but its still gets flagged. What else could it be?
  29. H

    Any ways around email creation proxy/captcha issues?

    Im stumped. I wanted to make a bot just to make a few dollars here and there but the f'in captcha costs destroy me. Using public proxies, I get only 1/5 success. If the proxy works then it shouldnt be a wasted captcha but somehow Im still using up like 5 dollars of captchas for only 5 dollars...
  30. H

    Too much requests no Offers!

    Freelancer here ready to do templates if you're still looking for it.
  31. H

    How can I highlight all text in text field?

    I was told id have to do a c## thing for that. but i know nothign about that shit. I was told that this info is on the forum but i search and couldnt find that shit. I have a text field which i want to first delete the data in the field (email replies)before putting my own text in...
  32. H

    why did text presence check suddenly stop working?

    dw just had to put a puasue in I think..doh!
  33. H

    why did text presence check suddenly stop working?

    I just tried rerecording agian and still the same shit so its not the webpage changing that i can see.
  34. H

    why did text presence check suddenly stop working?

    i spent all day doing lots of presence checks then just at the end when im pleased with my templates after debugging it suddenly randomly decides to stop fidning the text when it had been working flawlessly all day. I tried doing DOM and source and still the same. Then I reload zenno, it...
  35. H

    page keeps reloading causing zenno to wait for way to long

    The page seems to keep refreshing for like over 2 minutes before i can go to the next step in debug. it isnt loading anything new so how can i stop this from happening? i tried taking out flash but it removed the messages i want as well. i also tried taking out the other two...ajax and...
  36. H

    how do parse text with regex in mp4?

    i see the html thing to grab the text... i made a regex in the regex builder... but dont know where to put it so itll regex the text i grabbed.
  37. H

    Bring Back the Macros

    +2 for old macros back. I dont know what they could have been thinking to get rid of them. Why not just build on what you got as OP says. 'If it aint broke dont fix it'.
  38. H

    Is there a way to avoid the website interface altogether?

    Aww I only have v3... is there an equiv for version 3? If not that might finally push me over the edge to buy the upgrade cos this would be a gamechanger imo. looks the same as branch builder am i right?
  39. H

    Is there a way to avoid the website interface altogether?

    I find it really irritating when making web2.0s that I always spend most of my time trying to find where the submit buttons are and stuff like that as every web2 has some stupid flashy design and they hide their buttons in diff places. Can you somehow take the source code of the webpages and...
  40. H

    Stuck removing whitespace form articles in zenno

    Im making something to scrape artciles and rearrange the paragraphs so they are random. The way I did it such that there wouldnt be repeats causes there to be alot of whitespaces and '.' in the output. Here is an example: So how do I get rid of the dots and the whitespaces. Ive been having a...
  41. H

    Looking for web 2.0 site templates to buy

    I'll do them- $30-50 dollars depending on complexity.
  42. H

    [WTB] Social templates / Article templates / forum templates / RSS templates with 90%

    Lol, isnt it the other way around :D. How much will you pay per template? I will do them for $50 each.
  43. H

    Link click errors, how do I make them universal?

    Aslo a way to do it without pauses, cos loops is better than pauses as pauses just slow the whole thing down when it mgiht not require it, whereas a loop doesnt but ti still isnt ideal.
  44. H

    Link click errors, how do I make them universal?

    Well I only use it for cases where it would work to use it :D. I just wondered is there was a way to preempt these kind of link click errors in the 1st place because it takes alot of time to go through every single click one by one doing a loop for everything.
  45. H

    Link click errors, how do I make them universal?

    As for getting my templates stable I find it is always in a post debug stag where running it through in poster I get errors and will go back and do loops for each fail which seems to be working quite well at stabalizing parts it fails at. Thing is I seem to have to do a loop for EVERY SINGLE...
  46. H

    Link click errors, how do I make them universal?

    Old thread but I'm looking through again for troubleshooting. What do you mean by this? How does an instance continue form where it fialed? I thought it always starts form the beginning again? If you can resume from x point I'd lvoe to know this! :) as it would be really useful.
  47. H

    Captcha Cut In Pieces - How to Solve?

    This didn't work. When I tried the given template it just freezes when I put it in my project with the next stayed greyed out in debug.
  48. H

    Couple of issues from web2.0 sign up attempts

    Guess I should start using the search function *blush* :D
  49. H

    Couple of issues from web2.0 sign up attempts

    I was just trying to program some web 2.0s and came across a cpl of issues for different ones. For multiply when I came to do the captcha recognition they seem to have made it so captcha is not one block to recognize but lots of small ones. I am guessing this was deliberate to deter...
  50. H

    Can I start debug from a certain point in the project?

    I haven't used codecreator but could i use it just for this purpose easily?