Результаты поиска

  1. H

    Is there a way to keep the instance open in poster?

    I am wanting to run a template once per hour but I want it to continue where it left off last on the page so not close the instance. Is the best way just to leave a loop of one hour in the template so it never completes or any other options? Just looking at my options and which will be best.
  2. H

    Whats wrong with this c# code?

    ^no idea where to put that, why not explain fully? I know nothing about c# the syntax etc. it just fials agian when i tried to copy and paste it in...
  3. H

    Whats wrong with this c# code?

    I just want to get x and y coordinates of the upload file button for mouse click here is the full code. How to add the get commands for x and y into mouse coordinates please? lock (SyncObjects.InputSyncer) { // click hello button Emulator.ActiveWindow(instance.FormTitle)...
  4. H

    Whats wrong with this c# code?

    MouseButtonEvent.Click, project.Variables["xjavavarset"].Value, project.Variables["yjavavarset"].Value) I was trying to replace the numbers of the coordinates with variables from get commands. I placed both gets into set varbles. Still when i try and run now i get errors thru the whole...
  5. H

    Can I stop project maker deleting proxy when I restart template?

    When I set the proxy in the browser settins at the top I don't want it to delete the proxy all the time but it seems to do it I guess because of clear cookies? It is annoying having to put the proxy back in every single time i want to run the template again so can I stop this somehow so it will...
  6. H

    Alot of 'internal server error' for deathbycaptcha

    Message in captcha box reads: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. I have the user/pass setup in the settings. I have credits in deathbycaptcha and the system isnt overloaded. Why does this happen?
  7. H

    Not possible to multithread thru same proxy?

    As I said its working now so no prob :-)
  8. H

    How do I make the pinterest follow button only click when it is on follow?

    ^Good idea ofr future ref. thansk :@)
  9. H

    Not possible to multithread thru same proxy?

    Yes I did it with the checker. Tobias i usaully do that but as i stated in antoehr thread i have 50 templates which dont use proxy so dont want to change them all, i wanted proxy loading within zp.
  10. H

    Not possible to multithread thru same proxy?

    I got banned from a few sites so only needed one proxy for now. But i noticed zenno keeps saying wait for proxy and will only run one thread at a time. can i get it to multithread with same proxy? Ok starting to get the hang of it wiht a bit of fiddling around...not sure what i did yet tho :D
  11. H

    no proxies alive but

    Hey i just had similar issues check my thread maybe it will work for you: http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/how-can-i-setup-proxy-for-all-templates-without-editing-each-one.16438/
  12. H

    How can i setup proxy for all templates without editing each one?

    Ok i read antoher thread where the guy had to reinstall and i did that and seemed to find it now. Ok it finds them in the checker but how to load :/? Still says [without proxy] in zp instance using using what is my ip template no proxy. EDIT: YES! finally figured it out :D!!! had to setup...
  13. H

    How can i setup proxy for all templates without editing each one?

    I already had those settings so no change :~( Why does it have to be so complex to load simple proxies :,( The proxy is working fine in firefox browser so not the problem of the proxy, zp just wont test it so always 0 alive.
  14. H

    How can i setup proxy for all templates without editing each one?

    Ok i see i was in the wrong parts wasnt even in proxy checker. but now i added them but how do i set them to alive like you said cos its not testing and they are showing up 0 alive so not going into load.
  15. H

    How can i setup proxy for all templates without editing each one?

    Didnt work... I put the path into the soruces part but when i hit test they just come up with X marks and when i run zp it still says without proxy still on version btw if that makes a difference.
  16. H

    How can i setup proxy for all templates without editing each one?

    Cool, didnt know that. i know the checker is powerful but i remmeebr that in the past i didnt want to check and just wanted to use my list but it wouldnt let me but that was maybe back in version 3. i never use proxies mostly or only in the template itself so im outdated on how it works :D
  17. H

    How can i setup proxy for all templates without editing each one?

    As the title. I have over 50 templates so dont want to have to change each one to setup proxy if i can help it. Why cant you just add proxies form a textfile in zennoposter? seems dumb you can only have sources. Do i have to setup a source via a host in zp and use the checker?
  18. H

    How do I make the pinterest follow button only click when it is on follow?

    Ok i think its working now with outerhtml and a little bit of editing.
  19. H

    How do I make the pinterest follow button only click when it is on follow?

    Well I tried with these codes too and still the same result: <button data-element-type="62" type="button" class="dim UserFollowButton btn rounded Button hasText gridItem Module ajax notNavigatable ui-FollowButton"> <span class="buttonText">Unfollow</span> </button>...
  20. H

    How do I make the pinterest follow button only click when it is on follow?

    I don't know how to do it without an extra page regex + logic step? This may sounds like the same thing as my recent issues but it isn't It is but its different. Before I was doing it for unfollowing, which works to fail with outertext so it only clicks to unfollow on match 0 then once it does...
  21. H

    What do I do when 'files for upload' doesn't register?

    Can you explain why the C# upload dialog box hangs most of the time? I tried adding pauses around it but doesnt amke a differnece. In poster it will just hang alot of the time till the instance times out.
  22. H

    Can I prevent images from loading?

    Why thank you :-) Awesome! thats made the template about 3x faster :)
  23. H

    Can I prevent images from loading?

    I was thinking that could speed things up on these big pages. Can I block them from ever loading up as I dont need them?
  24. H

    Why does mouse emulation go to wrong coordinates after get?

    Alright thanks :)
  25. H

    Why does mouse emulation go to wrong coordinates after get?

    Thanks! never knew about that. will try. Where are those option tho? i dont see them in the action designer in any of the drop downs. Hmm worked when I typed them manually. So where is the informaiton for these 'hidden actions' if they arent in the drop down losts how do you ever find out...
  26. H

    Why does mouse emulation go to wrong coordinates after get?

    I have done get for top and left of an element. Checking them manually the coordinates are correct though when I do mouse coordinates it will only click on top left of the page. I find it strange cos sometimes it works correctly and other times (90%) top left. In other templates Ive had it...
  27. H

    More pinterst 'big page' issues.

    @rostonix how do you mena standard browser? I already have it on mobile version and smallest reoslution and didnt make much difference in terms of size.
  28. H

    More pinterst 'big page' issues.

    How do you go about finding JSON data?
  29. H

    More pinterst 'big page' issues.

    The problem for me is not the dom thing, i don't think it is anyhow. The problem is that I am continually scrolling down and it is eating up my system memory by the second. I only have 3k followers at the moment and already Im runing out of resources before i get to the bottom of the page...
  30. H

    Upload Pinterest Proflie Image

    Falsh uploader probably. See my recent thread: http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/what-do-i-do-when-files-for-upload-doesnt-register.15202/
  31. H

    How do I make regex ignore all text between x and y within a string?

    Good. don't waste your time. I dont need to be treated like sh*t to get information. Just ignore my posts; better yet just place me on ignore.
  32. H

    How do I make regex ignore all text between x and y within a string?

    You help but treat people like they are stupid for not getting something instantly.
  33. H

    How do I make regex ignore all text between x and y within a string?

    Ah and there is your usual arrogant attitude I always remembered. The page was already loaded.
  34. H

    How do I make regex ignore all text between x and y within a string?

    I tried taking DOM and source but it throws an error and won't find it either when it's on follow or unfollow but when I try it manually in copy to regex it finds the match. So why not in take text regex?
  35. H

    How do I make regex ignore all text between x and y within a string?

    I presume you posted that before I posted the code? As I say above its not a simple case of follow and unfollow clicks, its also got to be related to that specific user only because the results often show many results on the page all with their own folow and unfolow buttons, so it must only...
  36. H

    How do I make regex ignore all text between x and y within a string?

    Didnt work :( Here is the same code. I need it to take from the username KazzycaboodlesCreations which I will make to a variable for differing usernames down to the very last bit which says </button>. class="userFocusImage" style="" alt="KazzycaboodlesCreations"> </span>...
  37. H

    How do I make regex ignore all text between x and y within a string?

    I cant just do replace because the content within the string will change. I finally found out a convouted regex for the pinterest follow and unfollow so I cna use for a logic swtich but to get only the button for the specific user requires it to grab alot of unwanted text which will be chaigng...
  38. H

    Couple of pinterest related questions

    By using mobile version do you guys mean on the site or in zenno profile? I just set mobile to 100% in the profile of zenno and didnt seem to make a difference to the scroll.
  39. H

    Couple of pinterest related questions

    Oh right cool, cos I really hate that infinite scroll junk- makes things alot messier/slower when programming bots! :P was busy yesterday but I work thru and try and figure it out today.
  40. H

    Couple of pinterest related questions

    What is the reaosn for needing to use mobile version?
  41. H

    Couple of pinterest related questions

    Yes there are cerrtainly differences in the texts i know that much. but when i tried to search zenno would ingore it and always click no matter what for some reaosn. Let me read that thread and see what it has to say :)
  42. H

    What do I do when 'files for upload' doesn't register?

    ok, i just wasnt aware of the syntax; thanks :)
  43. H

    Couple of pinterest related questions

    One question: Pinterest only shows results on one big page and you have to scroll down and down and down just like on google images. I want to scrape a list of ALL my followers using regex but now I have a few thousand its tkaing ages to scroll down manually. How could I do it with zenno...
  44. H

    What do I do when 'files for upload' doesn't register?

    yes but how do i insert those into the c# code? because you cant jsut copy and paste them like otehr variables in there can you :P
  45. H

    What do I do when 'files for upload' doesn't register?

    Another issue is the dialog box opens but it hangs the template and it eventually times out. This seems to happen more than 50% of the time. I know nothing about c# (though started reading recently) so I get stuck with it :D. What to do?
  46. H

    If uploading several videos at once how to regsiter progress when it fails part way?

    I figured it was easier to loop each indivdual template in terms of submission but now my problem is often the templates will fail for one reason or other. Before this was no problem since i was only using one vidoe to upload i could just do retries and 90% would be successful on 4 retries or...
  47. H

    Is there a file where the list of names of active zenno poster templates are stored?

    oh i get you cheers.
  48. H

    Is there a file where the list of names of active zenno poster templates are stored?

    Bind what list to file tho. Like I said I dont want all files in the folder because some will be in the folder and not in use depending on what ones Im wanitng to run at that time.
  49. H

    Is there a file where the list of names of active zenno poster templates are stored?

    I want to grab the names only of templates currently active/running in the poster so that I can make a check loop for when they are all complete run another cycle with different file. The filenames will change so I cant just get all files in a folder- somtimes I don't run all in the folder for...
  50. H

    How to click a (flash?) button that doesn't load in PM?

    What? the answer is in the same theread I gave you just read to the bottom.