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  1. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    I dont know what you mean about bad ends creating the file with file processing. I am reading another thread you replied to which has helped a bit tho...http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/bind-file-multithread-help.19052/#post-122874 I just messed around and saw it wokred when i bound the...
  2. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    How do you mean do not use file actions? Also how do i use this bind to the file option? ive never used it before. i see i have to make a path but i get an error when i make up a path- it just says fail to process table- i made the path {-project.directory-}binded.txt? not sure what it does and...
  3. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Hmm this is so difficult i require more input/some fresh ideas :/. I set up the template to that after every success it would +1 to success file. So i have it that once it reaches the amount of succeses i specify then it will delete the temp accounts and recopy the master accounts file. The...
  4. H

    Capcha only works in project maker fails in poster?

    I am doing monkey enter. I have set the kb emulation to slowest and it now works in pm however in poster it always fails giving invalid capha from the website (yahoo mail). Hmm edit: i actually dont know what causes it to fail even when its the right ones it will fial me and sometimes on 3rd...
  5. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Well the first reply wasnt the whole sotry and your addition helps :-) I will try with a counter and logic check or ill try without delete altogether and use count of lines.
  6. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    no more suggestions?
  7. H

    Multithread issue not fixed after all

    So I set a template for 3 maximum threads and x number of retries. When the temaplte first starts it will load all 3 templates but if the otehrs fail it wont open new threads to take up the other 2, it only conitnues to run 1 thread. Also it isnt a resources issue as has been the case in teh...
  8. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Yes but how do you discern success because it can only create the file once all teamplates succeed not just one. So the root problem remains the same in how to make zenno know all projects are done.
  9. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    So I have projects which multuthread by taking line from file then putting back if there is an error. I make it repeat till x amount of successes and project finishes. I want to run every 2 hours but the problem is on repeat runs often there are leftover lines from the old run so it messes up...
  10. H

    YouTube API

    This relates to a query i had on what would be the best way to upload quickly, because multithreading i dont know if you will get away with multithreading on the same account :) but also i know ppl would get banned for using the api when mass uploading.
  11. H

    Question on following on tumblr

    Thats true about other alternatives to follow but I was told following ppl who have posted notes means you are following active user not inactive accounts. I only fired it up agian today after having left it for months so ill have a play around and see.
  12. H

    Question on following on tumblr

    I have only been able to make the follow button work when the project maker is open and the screen is active. Ie even if i click away then it will not work. I have been following other user's notes by pressing the blue + button when you click on notes. I havent found out a way to recognise...
  13. H

    Had internet problems now all my projects/tasks are lost in poster?

    What happened to them? I got some error message forgot what it said when I tried to open zenno while having an intermittent connection. Now my internet is back and i opened poster all projects are gone. What happend to them? Kind of a nuisance since i have to recogfigure all tasks. Not a big...
  14. H

    How do I make zenno run faster/more efficiently?

    Ok cool :) I use win 8.1. I thought 32 bit programs are still locked into only 4 gigs of ram? and zenno is 32 bit is it not? because the guy who made gsa search engine ranker said that is the case with his program. or zenno is a 64 bit program?
  15. H

    How do I make zenno run faster/more efficiently?

    Does getting more ram help? OR it will be blocked by 4 gig 32 bit rule?
  16. H

    How do I make zenno run faster/more efficiently?

    I have a amd fx8320 and 8 gigs of ram but still after a while the program gets really clogged up when I have 5+ threads running. I look in resources and barely any cpu usage but huge ram leaks in 1500 or so for single instances. I have made templates to restart frequently yet still the ram...
  17. H

    Twitter question and infinite scroll (again :P)

    So with pinterest it worked out ok following my follower's followers to avoid the infinite scroll on popular accounts since their followers ended up pretty targetted. But with twitter I find this method ends up with alot of random unrelated people and usually the worst tier 3 traffic. So I...
  18. H

    task manager thread still opens every time even when i switched off

    I unhighlighted the show/hide the instance in the template options but it still pops up every half an hour when i set the task manager. Why?
  19. H

    Why does new version of project maker keep crashing?

    Also happening whenever i click something in the screen of debugger. Happening all the time on multiple ranodm things basically. Ill try an uninstall and reinstall since i just upgraded last time.
  20. H

    Why does new version of project maker keep crashing?

    Whenever Im in debug after pressing play button.
  21. H

    Why does new version of project maker keep crashing?

    This program used to be solid as a rock but the thing keeps hanging and then closing all the time since I updated. It did it infrequently last build but now it seems to break 50% of the time. :(
  22. H

    the server committed a protocol violation. section=responsestatusline

    I get that message for deathbycaptcha send. I have credits in my account. Used to work fine but all of a sudden it happens on one of my templates. I tried to rerecord and it didnt change.
  23. H

    How to distinguish between twitter follow/unfollow buttons?

    Yes!!!! I did it :D. I managed by using get height and doing a logic check before pressing the button.
  24. H

    How to distinguish between twitter follow/unfollow buttons?

    That is not the case with my computer. The width is the same for both and the height is 29 for one and 30 for the other. AS i said origianlly i tried using the height difference as the criteria but it didnt work.
  25. H

    How to distinguish between twitter follow/unfollow buttons?

    Ok i just woke up and still cant for the life of me find any differnece. Why dont you guys give me a clue where i should be looking... Every damn piece looks exactly the same!! apart form the left in tab etc but ofc that wont be relevant for differnet buttons.
  26. H

    How to distinguish between twitter follow/unfollow buttons?

    @lokiys Yes and i still see no differences even in your pics so what exactly are you trying to show? @shabby thanks for the tool. funnily enough i was just thinknig today i could do with something just like this :P
  27. H

    How to distinguish between twitter follow/unfollow buttons?

    Not sure how you got that because when i right click to inspect element and copy and paste both are identical still.
  28. H

    How to distinguish between twitter follow/unfollow buttons?

    The code is EXACTLY the same for follow and unfollow innerhtml. which is the whole reaosn i made the post in the first place.
  29. H

    How to distinguish between twitter follow/unfollow buttons?

    but how to distinguish between follow and already following? I tried outer html and hieght as the two search criteria- height being the only difference i could find between the two buttons (29 vs 30)- but still didnt make a difference. It still keeps clicking on the same button for match 0...
  30. H

    How to distinguish between twitter follow/unfollow buttons?

    All the criteria in inner/outer/html/text etc are the same. I want it to click on the follow button only when not following. When I do a loop and click follow match # then it would also click on people i was already following and unfollow them which i dont want. The only thing Ive found...
  31. H

    Why does ffmpeg batch file not work in run program?

  32. H

    Why does ffmpeg batch file not work in run program?

    Im not trying to sell my solutions though :-). And if it works it works, you dont get extra points for extra coding :). Let us leave it at that.
  33. H

    Why does ffmpeg batch file not work in run program?

    YES YES YES!!!!! Finally got it working!!! and ended up running fine in run program. There was some problem with the ffmpeg command line in the bat not sure what as I confused myself with all my edits. Lexx not sure why you were giving misinformation, probably to make me buy your code for...
  34. H

    Why does ffmpeg batch file not work in run program?

    If I don't know the syntax of c# code and the slightest error will cause it not to work I wouldn't call it spoonfeeding... Ok it runs without errors once i put it into project directory but still just like above it wont use the libraries so the shells shows it running but never actually encodes...
  35. H

    Why does ffmpeg batch file not work in run program?

    Thanks but as the guy above said i need to run the exe directly not thru bat so need code for that.
  36. H

    Why does ffmpeg batch file not work in run program?

    Now anyone care to tell me what the c# code would be :D
  37. H

    Why does ffmpeg batch file not work in run program?

    Tried it. Exactly the same effect. :(
  38. H

    Why does ffmpeg batch file not work in run program?

    No didnt work: The given path's format is not supported: cmd /c F:\fftest\fftest.bat With my original code the batch file would run so I dont think its that, it would just not find the ffmpeg .exe to run that. I have it in system 32 folder. I also tried showing full path to ffmpeg in the bat...
  39. H

    Why does ffmpeg batch file not work in run program?

    I get the message that the program 'is not recognized as an internal or external command'. The bat file works outside of zenno but not in zenno.
  40. H

    I there a way to program drag mouse?

    Yes I saw a video on that. So what should i do find some c# code or js? Which would be better for the job?
  41. H

    exe compilation feature

    Would love it if it was but i thought they refuse to do it cos then they lose out on 10 dollars royalty fee for zenbox? :P
  42. H

    I there a way to program drag mouse?

    There is a dialog box i want to automate to make bigger which requires dragging the corner. Possible?
  43. H

    How To Sequent Post By Multiple Threads?

    I got it working mostly with globals. I didnt like having to always be copying the account file back again when i had to close zenno and the process didnt complete writing the line back. I account for errors as well now with bad end saving that row to text file then using that as first step as...
  44. H

    How do I make the subsequent threads pause when using global vars

    Can you tell me the code please to destroy the global variable. Because i want to make a seperate template to do that so i dont have to keep resetting zp when i want to restart the threads as i have other templatess running too which have to close also. I tried doing it using set variables and...
  45. H

    'active tab of instance is not found'

    increasing the execution count (instead of 1hr pause) isnt that easy since im using global variables to run multiple lines at once and that would cock everything up. currently the curret line will be locked in with global variable for the remainder of the template run. i have to stop all...
  46. H

    'active tab of instance is not found'

    Well i have another one doing the same pause but doesnt have this issue. Maybe to do with the multi threading? What is the solution?
  47. H

    'active tab of instance is not found'

    I have my templates waiting for 1 hour between loops but they often show that message recently. What do I have to change? is it one of the settings in the poster options?
  48. H

    Need Instagram Account Creator

    ok cool. you mean i can sign up with emulator and i would still need real number to verify or i cna do all with emulator?
  49. H

    Need Instagram Account Creator

    I am actually looking to start botting instagram myself but i need to know how its possible thru zennoposter without phone numbers and thru webpages. Let me know and i might be able to do the acc creators. So far I havent found a way to make an account wihtout either 3rd party software...
  50. H

    How To Sequent Post By Multiple Threads?

    Or you could try using global vairables like i have been figuring out recently: http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/how-to-handle-multiple-pinterest-accounts-multithreading.17160/ I had the same issue that I would not want to delete the lines. It takes alot of headwork (for me at least) to...