Результаты поиска

  1. Hungry Bulldozer

    Mr.HB i need ur help?

    var tab = instance.ActiveTab; if(tab.IsBusy) tab.WaitDownloading(); var he = tab.FindElementByAttribute("textarea","name","text","text",0); var parentForm = he.ParentForm; he = parentForm.FindChildByAttribute();
  2. Hungry Bulldozer

    Работает только в режиме отладки

    А в логе то что?
  3. Hungry Bulldozer

    Filter for hidden, zero-size, display:none elements

    I do know work around in code and yeah that's pretty simple, but I have been coding on zenno for a few years and I do think it is pretty usefull for guys who are new with that.
  4. Hungry Bulldozer

    как взять логин:пароль из файла?

    Не ленитесь использовать поиск :)...
  5. Hungry Bulldozer

    Variable inside variable

    in code: return project.Variables[project.Variables["b"].Value+project.Variables["a"].Value].Value;
  6. Hungry Bulldozer

    Подскажите как сохранить картинки себе на компьютер

    Через get запрос (действие), captcha-saver.dll или wget
  7. Hungry Bulldozer

    How to Get string length?

    via c# code action return project.Variables["yourVariableName"].Value.Length;
  8. Hungry Bulldozer

    Suggestion - Email verification search option in both HTML & TEXT

    In such seldom cases if there are you can use bulk loading in c#
  9. Hungry Bulldozer

    Zenno getting stuck...

    Since it is 5 instances per base (default settings and you haven't changed them) it will do emulation only in 1 thread per time piece. That's why it can look slowly. Also check this actions: Have you checked how fast it loads in FireFox 15 with the same proxy, if there is a big difference...
  10. Hungry Bulldozer

    Random page clicks

    var hc = instance.ActiveTab.FindElementsByTags("a"); var r=new Random(); if(hc.Count>0) { hc.GetByNumber(r.Next(0,hc.Count)).RiseEvent("click","Full"); if(instance.ActiveTab.IsBusy) instance.ActiveTab.WaitDownloading(); }
  11. Hungry Bulldozer

    Google+ register problem

  12. Hungry Bulldozer

    Captcha Recognition - Parameter is not valid error - PM crashes

    Never met that before. Do a screenshot of the action settings
  13. Hungry Bulldozer

    Рандомные не повторяющиеся числа.

    При генерации рандомных чисел возможны повторения. Потому что в любом случае это псевдо рандом. Если нужны числа с хорошим разбросом, то можно домножать например на 10000 диапазон в котором идет генерация. Например нужно число от 1 до 9, тогда генерим от 1*10000 до 10(так как крайнее число не...
  14. Hungry Bulldozer

    New Feature Suggestion Random Sheduling and thread handling

    Vote for random.
  15. Hungry Bulldozer

    How to Simulate the mouse trajectory?

    It will work in case you get a good math background :) You need the parametric curve and do that in a loop with a small offset. There is a way to emulate moving by line, so you can set it in a loop.
  16. Hungry Bulldozer

    Google+ register problem

    It doesn't mean anything about data leaking. It is again about Google decisions. You could do that faster in Zenno than in browser or Google didn't like headers and that's why asked for SMS. To make such a courageous statement we need at least 100 tests in them all (zenno, browser, ubot or other...
  17. Hungry Bulldozer

    triggering events

    Pretty much possible with class or style.
  18. Hungry Bulldozer

    Multithreading bugs

    Make sure this test project doesn't use any pauses otherwise this test is not good to make any conclusions from. Let's say you have 10mbs connection and running it in 1 thread (having about 10mbs for this thread), then you increase that count to 10 and get 1 mbs per thread (averaged). I guess...
  19. Hungry Bulldozer

    New Instance/Submitter Window - Awesome!

    Really cool
  20. Hungry Bulldozer

    Предложение по ручному распознаванию по отладке

    Не понимаю чем оно мешает. Висит себе на заднем фоне. Наоборот удобнее иногда открыть его для следующей каптчи.
  21. Hungry Bulldozer

    Google+ register problem

    It is likely G has something like artificial neural network. So according all data you register with (browser headers, IP, delays, the way you do that, cookies, etc) it makes a decision to ask/not ask SMS verification from you. This neural network constantly improving. That's why we had luck to...
  22. Hungry Bulldozer

    triggering events

    Try to identify it not by fulltag but any other unique attributes, then click element in the list www.youtube.com/watch?v=IweMAu67VMM
  23. Hungry Bulldozer

    Re entering after Bad Captcha

  24. Hungry Bulldozer

    Значение капчи попадает не в то поле

    Напишите ресурс в личку
  25. Hungry Bulldozer

    Клик по картинке

    http://zennolab.com/discussion/attachment.php?attachmentid=3469&d=1365161996 Тут использовал. Плюс там есть пример вставки текста из буфера обмена
  26. Hungry Bulldozer

    How to make ZP post punctuation?

    Is that file in UTF-8
  27. Hungry Bulldozer

    Клик по картинке

    Не использую клик по картинке в таких местах. Удобнее брать координаты по атрибутам letftinbrowse и topinbrowser, делать небольшое смещение через JS и кликнуть
  28. Hungry Bulldozer

    Значение капчи попадает не в то поле

    Проверить атрибуты по которым ищется поле для ввода каптчи и найти уникальный. В Вашем случае скорее всего не находит по первому атрибуту и ищет по fulltag.
  29. Hungry Bulldozer

    Вопрос по работе со списком

  30. Hungry Bulldozer

    Email verification problem.

    muchink: Was a bug. It could happen in case there are just a couple emails on the box. Fixed
  31. Hungry Bulldozer

    Google+ register problem

    Except the case you can automate sms verifications
  32. Hungry Bulldozer

    Can I choose to delete a specific cookie and not all of them?

    Some good samples are here http://zennolab.com/discussion/showthread.php?8111-POST-%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81
  33. Hungry Bulldozer

    IS there a way to see if ZP is leaking any identifying data?

    Cool then
  34. Hungry Bulldozer

    What is restart the instance?

    Yes, you get a new instance. That's pretty cool feature, when you need parse a lot of pages in a loop or something else with long duretion. It preevents us from memory eaating.
  35. Hungry Bulldozer

    IS there a way to see if ZP is leaking any identifying data?

    Send me template to support email
  36. Hungry Bulldozer

    Email verification problem.

    Got it. Reproduced. Will check it in dev version on Monday.
  37. Hungry Bulldozer

    No elements found by regexp

    It has to be handled with logic actions
  38. Hungry Bulldozer

    socks4 proxy format questions

    Try craete own regexp for parsing source
  39. Hungry Bulldozer

    Error Handling Java Scripts

    Yes, I confirm it works fine in FF 16. Check it your own isntalling portable version of this
  40. Hungry Bulldozer

    апание темы в форумах регулярно

    Если поставлен такой вопрос, то Вы удивитесь как много всего еще можно автоматизировать :)
  41. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] ZP automatically success bug

    I confirm that exists. Will check if we have any task about that in development
  42. Hungry Bulldozer

    Table Processing - Set Value Error

    You can only work with that kind of actions in editor. If you need standard ones you can record such an action on recording stage and add it to your project
  43. Hungry Bulldozer

    Email verification problem.

    Send me the project to [email protected]
  44. Hungry Bulldozer

    Captcha not loaded fully

  45. Hungry Bulldozer

    IS there a way to see if ZP is leaking any identifying data?

    Also if the site is so skilful I'd try doing the same in Firefox 15 (since ZennoPoster based on that one currently) and do exactly the same there.
  46. Hungry Bulldozer

    Email verification problem.

    It makes "remove emails" command in the box, but in version and I made a mistake and feature is not working there and makes also email finding buggy. So don't use it in that versions
  47. Hungry Bulldozer

    I would like to control errors in ZP in more convenient way.

    If I got your idea we would have an opportunaty to set status of error (in case it happen in the action): warning, error, message, disable. Right?
  48. Hungry Bulldozer

    Captcha not loaded fully

    Moved. Try to use not ignore AJAX option enabled
  49. Hungry Bulldozer

    socks4 proxy format questions

    Try using this. If doesn't help - need to change a ragexp socks4://user:@ip:port
  50. Hungry Bulldozer

    Email verification problem.

    1. Check if you set option remove messges 2. It is case insensetive while recording, but sensetive while debugging. It is fixed for next build and case sensetive there