Результаты поиска

  1. myndeswx

    Hiring long term

    Hello, looking to hire a developer full time with good ZD/ZP knowledge, must know C# and at least written english. ~3K$/month long term project
  2. myndeswx

    Task scheduling

    Hello, how to set the task scheduler correctly in this case I want to run this template once a day at 6:30pm doing 400 attempts It can take some time to complete, like 2-4 hours With this configuration it stops after 30 attempts, I suppose because of 'when to repeat' time window? I am sure...
  3. myndeswx

    Pick from table based on %percentage

    Hello, maybe someone has a working snippet for this, or just a smarter way to do it I have a table of city names(A) and % to be picked(C) How would you take 1 line from a table based on %? Thank you
  4. myndeswx

    proxyExclusions ?

    Hello, has someone figured out how to get the proxyExclusions to work? Tried multiple examples - nothing works, everything goes through the proxy Thank you
  5. myndeswx

    Creating a ZAAS

    Zenno as a service. Never heard of it? Well, because I just made it up Zenno is a very powerful tool, it can do all kinds of fancy things, but it's main downside in my opinion is - frontend. For database you can connect it to mySql, then dance with tambourines to create custom coded pages...
  6. myndeswx

    Trick to find what's slowing your template down

    Noticed one template running kind of slower today, decided to investigate and found it really useful simple way to track down which actions are causing it, so lets go! #1 We enable the 'trace execution' #2 We open CMD and navigate to the traces folder, fx "cd...
  7. myndeswx

    Start on boot

    Having issues with ZD starting on server reboot, using task scheduler - it starts hidden, only visible in task manager, using a shortcut in the startup folder - completely ignored. What solutions do you guys have managing RDPs? Thank you
  8. myndeswx

    Spotify on chromium?

    Hello, does anyone have spotify running on chromium? I tried following the instructions here - https://zennolab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EN/pages/2111864833/Instructions+for+using+Widevine+component but it still does not work. Thanks!
  9. myndeswx

    Starting all tasks from bat

    Hello, I am starting zenno on startup through a simple BAT file, but sometimes all tasks are stopped after reboot. Is there a way to pass some argument when starting to start all the templates? Thank you
  10. myndeswx

    Yandex map scraper

    Hello, maybe someone has a ready product/knows a service Need to scrape businesses from yandex maps and download photos (only interested in photos)
  11. myndeswx

    7.7.6 changes?

    Ahoi, just noticed in PM new version is available, but no information about it on the forum, What changed? )
  12. myndeswx

    keeping RDP active

    Hello, I remember reading on the forum a topic about keeping RDP alive, and can't find it anywhere, maybe someone recalls how to do it? Because after disconnecting rdp strange things start to happen ) Thank you
  13. myndeswx

    Out of view elements

    Hello, not sure if it's a bug or not, but with chromium I'm having this issue a lot - some elements are hidden off screen, like in this example at the bottom of gmail there should be a 'send' button like this - But in the PM and ZP it is out of vision- Project settings- Checked in...
  14. myndeswx

    Using chrome profile on different PC

    Hello, is there a way to use the chromium profile on another PC? Looking to achieve similar profile sharing for other team members like antidetect browsers have. Thank you
  15. myndeswx

    Browser 'hanging' ignoring the 'execution timeout'

    Hello, working with chromium(beta) engine windows sometimes are left stuck for hours ignoring the 'execution timeout'. Using the newest version
  16. myndeswx

    Strange delays in multithread

    Hello, trying to track down a very strange bug, maybe someone would have ideas. It is very strange because template works great in 1 thread, but adding more - makes these strange delays. Important to note - I am using a 'project in project', maybe the same project is somehow 'binded' in the...
  17. myndeswx

    Interrupting 'project in project'

    Hello, could anyone share an example how to interrupt a template by timeout (from shared code) I have a 'main' template, and several others running as 'project in project'. The 'main' template has a execution timeout set in settings, but with new chromium 'project in project' templates sometimes...
  18. myndeswx

    Post request failing

    Hello, it's not the first time I'm having this issue so decided to report. When using 'other' data type and boundary multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary{-Variable.boundry-} Shows that request was successful, but nothing actually happens in the traffic window, and in the log we...
  19. myndeswx

    Critical bug

    Hello, just noticed today that some machines are being created with all the details 'unknown'. When starting a VM without 'apply profile settings on startup' - all good Start with 'apply profile settings on startup' - all details 'unknown' Reinstalled both newest memu and ZD (
  20. myndeswx

    Hiding processor

    Hello, does anyone know if it is possible to hide/change the computers processor from emulator?
  21. myndeswx

    Proxy not setting correctly on enterprise

    Using proxy format does not set the proxy It has to be used as to work Previously it used to work without http:// Spent a lot of time figuring out what was wrong, might help someone in the future )
  22. myndeswx

    Run cube by Id

    Hello, is it possible to do something like this When we encounter a bad end and the cube that failed was "2b61e829-16c7-49e4-8c86-93ac494db1c3" we get it from {-Project.LastExecutedActionId-} Is it possible to run the 'bad end' logic and try the cube with that id again? Thank you
  23. myndeswx

    build.prop modifications

    Hello, since we already have the option to modify the device details like ro.hardware( which modifies the build.prop file) , it would be nice to allow the modification of other parameters as well, or maybe someone has a convenient way for the prop modification on memu? Thank you
  24. myndeswx

    GPS not updating

    So cool to work with android 9 finally, and just found out that the GPS is not updating correctly :( On android 7 everything is working at the same time Maybe the developers would have better idea how to solve it, thank you)
  25. myndeswx

    Memu instances hanging

    Hello, it's more of Memu issue, but maybe someone has figured it out, sometimes instances get stuck and just occupy the ZD threads, and sometimes use CPU. This screenshot is after about 24h of work on 10 threads. Only way to stop them is closing manually on task manager
  26. myndeswx

    "Search successful exits" not working as expected

    Hello, just wanted to clarify, or suggest it as a change. Currently it looks like "Search successful exits" only shows the notification actions as good end, but shouldn't it be any action? Like in this example screenshot, I would just stop a VM and that's a good end, or am I missing something? )...
  27. myndeswx

    Actions ignoring the timeouts

    ZP version - BuildID: 8e97c22a1|30-06-2022 10:36 Engine - Chrome Hello, so I'm fighting with this issue where project just ignores the timeouts for page load and click actions As @VladZen has suggested earlier instead of 'full emulation' I am using the 'add noise' now. Here on the...
  28. myndeswx

    XML element not visible after scrolling

    Hello, maybe someone else has already encountered this annoying issue. Lets say we are looking for an element and scrolling in the app We try to get element and cube fails - then we scroll down looking for it We can scroll to the very bottom of the app and our element was somewhere in the...
  29. myndeswx

    BUY ipv6 proxies

    Looking to buy IPV6 proxies from different /32 subnets, different countries. tg - @mindeswx
  30. myndeswx

    Multi select dragging good/bad lines

    Sometimes it would improve to speed of work when working with cubes if instead of dragging from each action we could select the whole block of actions ( or several elements with CTRL) and drag good/bad lines simultaneously. Or maybe it is already available somehow? It seems almost every time I...
  31. myndeswx

    Downloading file with C# how to specify file name?

    Hello, I am downloading images with such code - var captcha__get = ZennoPoster.HTTP.Request ( ZennoLab.InterfacesLibrary.Enums.Http.HttpMethod.GET, url...
  32. myndeswx

    Several issues

    Hello, maybe someone has already figured it out, there are many bugs with chromium and the 7.7.1 version, but these two are really annoying. 1) Clicking in the wrong place, almost always to get the element in to the action designer you have to click slightly above the element, but the worst...
  33. myndeswx

    Random typing speed ( keyboard emulation )

    Hello, maybe someone has a working solution for this, here's the idea- Now we have the option to set a static typing speed and all the long text would be typed with 15ms delay in this example Wouldn't it be more realistic to have random delays? For example typing 3 letters with 15ms delay...
  34. myndeswx

    How to close the browser?

    Hello, can't find a proper way to close the browser, the template is like that: - Starting with no browser - Start browser from cube (chromium) and cookie folder - Doing the work After the work is done I would like to move the browser folder (good or failed reg) , but of course we can't move...
  35. myndeswx

    [BUY] website list using google analytics (builtwith/wappalyzer/similarweb databases)

    Looking to buy a list of USA websites using google analytics for cookie farming Or maybe someone has an alternative? tg- @mindeswx skype - mantasxxx19901
  36. myndeswx

    How to get 'traces' folder

    Hello, how could we get the 'traces' folder of the running project? For example on my computer it is C:\Users\tomaj\OneDrive\Dokumenter\ZennoLab\Traces\testtemplate.zp As we can see the drive name, user name and the PC language can change, also the template name itself can change over time So...
  37. myndeswx

    Reading sqlite .db file

    Hello, looking for someone who has sqlite working with ZP 7.6 version. I have tried the Lord_Alfreds method with external dlls, but that does not work. (outdated libaries maybe? not sure) Only need to read some data from a .db file Thank you!
  38. myndeswx

    Get threadS IDs?

    Hello, how could I get all running threads IDs of another template? Use case example- Need this for stability, to keep track of threads. When thread starts template A would save each thread ID to file. Template B running every minute, and comparing the thread IDs in the file and the ones that...
  39. myndeswx

    Projects not starting in ZP

    Hello, not sure what happened recently but I noticed my PM has reset the theme and other settings to default, tried restarting the machine several times without luck, projects are stuck on starting. Tried removing and adding the projects back - still not starting, any ideas? Version 7.6.0
  40. myndeswx

    Can't select the VM

    Version 2.3.0
  41. myndeswx

    No sex )

    Just found it as a pretty funny bug, Sex = False Because 44 years already? ))) *lol*
  42. myndeswx


    Looking for shared 4G proxies in ukraine , are there none left??
  43. myndeswx

    Chrome not working when installing from .apk

    Unable to install chrome from apk file, tried at least 20 different versions - still it is not working ( throws an error when you open the app) I have also tried other method, installing chrome from the play store, and it works! So I tried exporting the working .apk to my computer, and then...
  44. myndeswx

    Are Trace execution file names random?

    Hello, I am very interested in how are trace execution files named, and if it's possible to choose the name for it? Or maybe it's possible to make a similar log with some shared code? Basically I need to monitor templates work externally and trace execution log file looks great! Also, to the...
  45. myndeswx

    How do you run repetitive cubes?

    Hello, so I have such 3 small cubes, they are saving the templates state. And they are used many times in the project, so I just wanted to ask, what would be the correct way to do it from your experience? Because now it takes up alot of space, and I think a lot of C# code is slowing down the...
  46. myndeswx

    Text with new line is interpered as empty?

    Text with new line is interpeted as empty? I am 99% sure that it used to work this way, I was always using wtfismyip.com/text to check the proxy validity Attached the project https://i.imgur.com/WpH2V04.gif
  47. myndeswx

    SOS template stuck on 'load project'

    Was working on this template for a very long time, and I am no longer able to open it up in the project maker on neither of my computers, please help. Template itself is pretty large, about 12MB in size. @Phoenix78 @nicanil @VladZen @ibred @Zymlex Tagging everyone because it is very urgent :bc...
  48. myndeswx

    C# shared code

    привет, нужно заставить эту функцию работать в zennodroid. бюджет 60$ оборотный public static class GooglePoints { /// <summary> /// Decode google style polyline coordinates. /// </summary> /// <param name="encodedPoints"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static...
  49. myndeswx

    Implementing C# code to zennodroid shared code

    Hello, I need to use a small C# snippet in zenno shared code, let me know if you could do this! :bt: The code- public static class GooglePoints { /// <summary> /// Decode google style polyline coordinates. /// </summary> /// <param name="encodedPoints"></param> ///...
  50. myndeswx

    random images in emulator

    Hello, I am creating a fresh VM and setting the shared folder before starting it, but some random images (from some emulator apps maybe? are already there) Folder with images that should be used is on the right Maybe someone has solved this issue? Thank you