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  1. EtaLasquera

    I'm having a problem with the hCaptcha on the website: https://www.sodexobeneficios.com.br/estabelecimentos/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Cpl&utm_camp

    When I run the application on Zenno for hCaptcha, it appears as completed but doesn't proceed further. I'm providing the correct sitekey. Could you help me?
  2. EtaLasquera

    Discussion - new version

    Sometimes, while chromium (beta) is the browser the "navigate" (go to page) action fail. I've tried it with C# too, and the error can't be catched, it will be error forever. It will ignore error condition and the next action is bad end. At log, it says something about canvas error...
  3. EtaLasquera

    GET and POST request advice please

    You can make it a littbe bit easy, just navigate to your api on browser and watch traffic window, right click on desired data and create action from request.
  4. EtaLasquera

    Removing everything before and after a word, does that help?

    You must process it as json.
  5. EtaLasquera

    Recaptcha Enterprise - Solve captcha on current page

    I'ts done, forget it. Need to code a lot. And english support is this, do it by yourself or die.
  6. EtaLasquera

    Are Browser agents injected on their own or do we need to set this manually?

    I send it manualy on every project. Sometimes they show ghost instances on ZP but devs says this is because I've changed user agent manualy. A C# code to do it: string tp = instance.BrowserType.ToString().ToLower(); if (tp.Equals("chrome")){ tp = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)...
  7. EtaLasquera

    VBCSCompile.exe - High CPU Usage

    I've solved it after format c:
  8. EtaLasquera

    Recaptcha Enterprise - Solve captcha on current page

    Today I have a projeto who receive challange from Recaptcha Enterprise and I't always solved the project with capmonster cloud plugin, always until today. Now it says "can't find recaptcha key", I follow the docummentation...
  9. EtaLasquera

    cpu size and diminishing returns.

    both are important.
  10. EtaLasquera


    You can set a download directory and before download, delete and create it. Now download and use directory file path with random file. If file exists, continue, else, still wait. Remember to check if downloaded file is a temp file or complete download, you can do it using a wildcard.
  11. EtaLasquera

    How to "Force" instance.GetTraffic() to get traffic?

    Sometimes I need to navigate into tabs 1~10 min until "traffic" capture the traffic data as data. And, when it was captured, sometimes it comes with "null" information in traffic request headers. There is another way to get data directly from traffic? As example, here is my traffic: And here...
  12. EtaLasquera

    How to kill zombie tasks?

    Yes, all the time I set user agent / browser profile by this code: string tp = instance.BrowserType.ToString().ToLower(); if (tp.Equals("chrome")){ tp = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"; } else{ tp =...
  13. EtaLasquera

    How to kill zombie tasks?

    Usually a bad end hava a simple breakpoint and there is a lot of bad end in the projects. The last one bad end execute a SQL Server query. ZennoLab.OwnCode.CommonCode.project = project; string cn = project.Variables["cn"].Value; string pv = project.Variables["pv"].Value; string ad =...
  14. EtaLasquera

    Compare file in string with content of a txt file

    ["myIP"] << your variable It's a C#
  15. EtaLasquera

    How to kill zombie tasks?

    I'll put it into 120 and check if it will solve. But zombie instances appear after a project end into a bad end, I don't think it is related with load base, its something like unload.
  16. EtaLasquera

    Compare file in string with content of a txt file

    string myIP = project.Variables["myIP"].Value; string txtIP = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("C:\Temp\IPfile.txt"); project.Variables["exists"].Value = txtIP.Contains(myIP).ToString();
  17. EtaLasquera

    How to kill zombie tasks?

    7.7.3 I think it's default settings: 7.4.0 Default settings too
  18. EtaLasquera

    How to kill zombie tasks?

    No, it was taken form Zenno Poster, "Show Instances" button. Not only grey border are zombies, some active (blue border) are zombies.
  19. EtaLasquera

    How to kill zombie tasks?

    I've posted this as bug a year or two years ago. But still a problem, checked in our latest version (7.7.3RU) At all I've 4 active tasks, two of then with browser and another ones run without browser. I have some "active" instances and this instances are "unkilable" (I don't know if this word...
  20. EtaLasquera

    What is the correct way to monitor my own captcha requests?

    Hi all! I register into a database every request who I send to capmonsterclud: C# return ZennoLab.OwnCode.CommonCode.DataSource(); SQL insert into capmonster values ( {-Variable.program-}, getdate() ); Based on this structure, yesterday I got this results, requests by...
  21. EtaLasquera

    Questions about multithreads

    Your project must have a list/table linked to a file and first action of the project must take a line and delete line after take. You must check both checkbox:
  22. EtaLasquera

    Zennoposter API ? Or a way to call a template from outside

    We can start, pause, stop, view log, schedule, view screenshots or write details about execution outside zenno. As example. press play start a bot: Logs example:
  23. EtaLasquera

    youtube business email help

    You need another proxy. We hold and pay for at least 50 diferent internet services over 5 countryes. Proxy servers including pay service sucks for most bot actions.
  24. EtaLasquera

    Zennoposter API ? Or a way to call a template from outside

    We deploy a controller who can automate zenno tasks outside zenno. There is no oficial API but you can deploy a integration using this docs: https://help.zennolab.com/en/v7/zennoposter/7.1.4/webframe.html#topic755.html
  25. EtaLasquera

    youtube business email help

    You must bypass it using proxy servers.
  26. EtaLasquera

    Is there any way I can read the latest log?

    You can write your own log into a file and save it.
  27. EtaLasquera

    Random birthday settings

    Be happy.
  28. EtaLasquera

    Bugs in version

  29. EtaLasquera

    Random birthday settings

    When you start the project the software will generate a random profile with this data: You can use this values. There is a action called as "random". You can use it to generate numbers. Just read documentation.
  30. EtaLasquera

    Is there a way to get static files with another proxy or without?

    string tp = instance.BrowserType.ToString().ToLower(); if (tp.Equals("chrome")){ tp = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"; } else{ tp = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101...
  31. EtaLasquera

    How to unblock my IP?

    Found a zombie server sending invalid requests. It is completly dead for now. Waiting for IP unblock because its blocked.
  32. EtaLasquera

    How to unblock my IP?

    Another solution: Pay _2captcha
  33. EtaLasquera

    Как пройти такую капчу от cloudflare?

    Когда вы получаете 401, каково содержание ответа? Ошибка возникает при отправке запроса на api.camp api.capmonster.cloud/createTask ?
  34. EtaLasquera

    How to unblock my IP?

    Blocked again :( 1 hour ago: Rastreando a rota para api.capmonster.cloud [] com no máximo 30 saltos: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 3 * * * Esgotado o tempo limite do pedido. 4 2 ms 1 ms...
  35. EtaLasquera

    How to unblock my IP?

    Temporary solution, hire new host who is not blocked.
  36. EtaLasquera

    How to unblock my IP?

    Ouch sorry, we hold two servers in another place who connect to us with proxy, I forgot to stop services in that servers :( Stopped now, they will no send requests anymore.
  37. EtaLasquera

    How to unblock my IP?

    Still not working. I've disabled Captcha project and rework all jobs to be done in near future. Changed my capmonster key. There is no request in past 12 hours. Still can't access api.capmonster.cloud When I do a tracerout in power shell it says "protocol error" when hit ds5.capmonster.cloud I...
  38. EtaLasquera

    How to unblock my IP?

    "No data"
  39. EtaLasquera

    How to unblock my IP?

    It's still banned / not working in the last 4 hours. Not working in ZP, PM. Conversation ID: 52526
  40. EtaLasquera

    How to unblock my IP?

    Capmonster was blocked my IP, maybe because I'm a bot doing bot actions, like a bot. In PM the loader sometimes never load and my balance was not displayed correctly. It's happening into my licenses of versions between 7.4(en) and 7.7.3(ru)
  41. EtaLasquera

    Running the WebBrowserSettings Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    Try check if instance is loaded. if (!instance.ActiveTab.IsInteractive) { instance.Launch(ZennoLab.InterfacesLibrary.Enums.Browser.BrowserType.Chrome, true); } Change the BrowserType to a browser defined by yourself.
  42. EtaLasquera

    Auto-submit hCaptcha

    Done by myself, need to use external libraries to intercept browser <> zenno. But it's working.
  43. EtaLasquera

    How to stop zenoposter form using whol RAM

    Sometimes you need to resstart instance. Try do the same thing into a bot with py. Chrome will eat all your memory.
  44. EtaLasquera

    Auto-submit hCaptcha

    We are good "russian" readers for now. But all examples in that post are related to rucaptcha api key. There is no examples about how to implement hCaptcha with capmonstercloud. I already got sitekey, already send it thought capmonster and already got "response". But I realy don't know how to...
  45. EtaLasquera

    Auto-submit hCaptcha

    If possible, can you share any code as example to I write in my projects? There is no example about how to use in current wiki.
  46. EtaLasquera

    Auto-submit hCaptcha

    English support is realy great.
  47. EtaLasquera

    How to set timeout for action

    Great! I've never seen this ^^ its very usefull!
  48. EtaLasquera

    Auto-submit hCaptcha

    Hi guys, we hire capmonster clout do solve our recaptcha problems. Since laste week we are trying to use capmonster cloud with hCaptcha. There is no one example about how to work with hCaptcha, but I've tried to read russian documentation and have no solution about my title question. 1. If I...
  49. EtaLasquera

    How to set timeout for action

    You need to create a control, something like this: int i = 0; try{ i = project.Context["i"]; } catch{ project.Context["i"] = i; } if (i < 20){ System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } else{ throw new Exception(); } i += 1; project.Context["i"] = i; That code will try check...
  50. EtaLasquera

    Capmonster: Captcha Unsolvabe / Sitekey is invalid!

    Maybe a website bug, today it start to work fine without any changes.